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Center Parcs



Offerte Vacanze
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Jollydays - Unvergessliche Tage schenken!
Singles in Ihrer Nähe
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Mit dem Wachstum von Billigfliegern und Wandel traditioneller Pauschalangebote zu Individualreisen werden Mietwagen zunehmend wesentlicher Bestandteil der Urlaubsplanung. Darüber unterstützen hohe Anschaffungs- und Unterhaltskosten privater PKW in Deutschland den Trend, Fahrzeuge bei Bedarf einfach zu mieten. Das Partnerprogramm von eMietwagen bietet Ihnen die Möglichkeit, die eigene Conversion Rate und EPC zu maximieren und an dem von niedrigen Preisen und einfacher Buchungsmöglichkeit gestützten überdurchschnittlichen Wachstum des Unternehmens teilzuhaben. With the growth of the low cost airlines and the switch from traditional package holidays to DIY travel, car hire has become a vital component to a number of people’s holidays. Also the increasing costs of car ownership in the UK have created a boom in people simply renting cars in the UK when needed. 728x90 - Frühbucher

Am Meer

"Am Meer", eines der führenden Vermiter für Villen und Ferienhäuser an der hölländischen Küste. Am Meer, the rental agency for villas and holiday homes at the Dutch coast.
Hin – und Rückflug Einfachflug

TUI - Fliegen zum Smile-Preis - Billigflüge

British Airways

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Flüge aller Airlines, Last Minute, Mietwagen und Hotels.

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B&B in Italia


mercoledì 18 febbraio 2009

Centrer Parcs- Parchi Italiani

Center Parcs IT

Center Parcs è leader nel mercato europeo delle vacanze brevi. Nato nel 1968 con 30 bungalows immersi nella natura, oggi conta 16 parchi, 8 in Olanda, 2 in Belgio, 3 in Francia e 4 in Germania. Center Parcs offre un’esperienza unica nel settore ricreativo, offrendo le migliori strutture del settore. L’elevata qualità dei Center Parcs e la loro superiorità rispetto ad altri parchi è assolutamente tangibile. Circa 3 milioni di persone visitano ogni anno I nostri parchi.

Il nuovo tema: ‘Center Parcs. A State of Happiness’
La nuova campagna ‘Center Parcs. A State of Happiness’ si focalizza sulla superiorità dei nostri parchi, data dall’offerta esclusiva dei Center Parcs. Il fascino dei nostri parchi capaci di offre un’esperienza unica agli ospiti, è dato dalla combinazione di più elementi: la natura, i cottage, l’Aqua Mundo, le attività ricreative e quelle sportive inserite in un contesto di relax totale. La sensazione di vacanza è garantita!

Il nuovo sistema di prenotazione user friendly
Il maggior vantaggio del nuovo sistema di prenotazione è la rapidità. L’utente può completare una prenotazione in 5 facili passaggi, la metà rispetto a prima.

Center Parcs IT

Center Parcs is the European market leader in short holiday breaks. It all started in 1968 with 30 bungalows in nature where as now it has expanded to an international concern with 16 top parks, of which 8 located in the Netherlands, 2 in Belgium, 3 in France and 4 in Germany. Center Parcs ofers a unique concept within the recreational sector, having the very best facilities on offer. The high quality demands of Center Parcs are visible in every way. Around 3 million guests visit the parks every year.

The appeal of the parks is not just down to one element. It is not just the cottages, our Aqua Mundo, our entertainment, our sports activities, our nature, the relaxation in the parks or the excellent service we offer. It is a combination of all these elements which ensures a unique experience for Center Parcs guests.

Our goals
Center Parcs want to increase online bookings by means of attractive banners and text links. The banners will be updated regularly and be linked with new promotions, such as: Valentines, Crazy Wednesday, WinterWonderland, SuperSummer, etc.

Our new user friendly fast Bookings system
The most important advantage of the new booking system for online bookers is the fewer number of steps needed to complete a booking. Bookers can complete a reservation in 5 easy steps, this is half the number of clicks needed previously.

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